JumpStart News
Tony and Daughter, Maddie, Run and Finish Falmouth Road Race 2019!
Congratulations to Tony and his daughter Maddie on running and completing the Falmouth Road Race 2019!
Challenger Division Baseball Spring 2018
We had a great day at Ferry Field in Grafton with the Challenger Division Baseball League. What awesome event put on by President Gouveia and Grafton Youth Baseball!

Winter 2018
Another successful injury prevention and sports training session at Evolution Sports in West Boylston. Always fun working with the Hurricane baseball coaches and players.

World Figure Skating Championships 2016!
Dan and Brittany had the pleasure of being part of the medical team for this outstanding event.
Challenged Athlete Foundation Event
Pictured here are JumpStart Physical Therapy Staff members at the Challenged Athlete Foundation event at Harvard University. Our staff members had the honor of working with local amputees as they learn how to run with their prosthetic running legs.

US Figure Skating Championships
Pictured here are Physical Therapists from JumpStart, who had the opportunity be part of the medical staff for the US figure skating championships (January 2014) held in Boston. Good luck to all our US Olympians!
JumpStart Helps Boston Bombing Amputee Victims
Articles about the work we did:

RockHoppers 2013 NALL Champions
Pictured here, are JumpStart staff members with the 2013 NALL championship lacrosse trophy. Congratulations Rockhoppers!